I was recently selected to participate in the LIMINA festival 2024. I will compose a new piece for SpóÅ‚dzielnia Muzyczna. This piece will be premiered at the LIMINA festival, Mozarteum, Salzburg.
I want to express my gratitude for receiving the Arbeitsstipendium from BMKOES for my project next year with Mizuki Aita, which will be premiered in Tokyo in August 2024. Many thanks to BMKOES (The Ministry of the Arts, Culture, the Civil Service, and Sport) and the juries.
A new piece premiered at Tokyo Bunka Kaikan, small hall. On August 9th, 2024. Commissioned by Mizuki Aita; Supported by Federal Ministry Republic of Austria for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport.
Coming soon: Compilation CD releases and a score publication collaboration with Verlag Neue Musik
An interview with Sandris Murins on my musical approach
Impuls Academy 2023
S[TA]D 3 was commisioned by Linzer Ensemble für aktuelle Musik and was performed and recorded at Porgy and Bess, Wien. This piece continues the concept of Co[l]oto[mi]c[nal], s[TA]d is a series of musical pieces that play between two cultures (Indonesian local music and European aesthetics). These music pieces are placed in the border zone by playing between two cultures, creating a third space that "shakes" the fixity of cultural meanings and symbols. In this third series, the harmonic progressions are derived from the timbre analysis of colotomic instruments of Javanese gamelan, combined with a self-similarity algorithm (this self-similarity behavior is also found in Javanese gamelan, in terms of melodic development) to structure the timbre combinations in the percussion part.
Wer prägt heute zeitgenössische Musik in Südostasien? Welche Namen, Zentren und künstlerische Handschriften gibt es? Und wie verbinden sich regionale Kulturen mit Errungenschaften der Avantgarde? Die Musikhochschule in Lübeck veranstaltete im Januar drei Studierenden-Konzerte, die auf solche Fragen Antworten gaben. Inhaltlich profitierten die gespielten Programme vom Austausch mit Partnerhochschulen in Bangkok, Manila und Kuala Lumpur. Initiator Max Riefer, in Lübeck Dozent für Neue Musik, zuvor selbst mehrere Jahre in Malaysia tätig, programmierte vielgestaltig, ausufernd, voller Querbezüge biografischer wie musikalischer Art. Als zentrale Themen der erarbeiteten Kompositionen kristallisierten sich dabei die Spiritualität, die Körperlichkeit der Klänge und die Zeitwahrnehmung heraus – sowie die Auseinandersetzung mit der eigenen ethno-linguistischen Herkunft.
Common Tonalities is a project that explores Southeast Asian tuning systems and scales through modern music technologies for the creation of new music.
Talea Encores features Talea musicians in smaller chamber formations and looks back at several composers with whom the ensemble has crossed paths in concerts and creative projects over the past season: Wang Lu, Sarah Hennies, Felipe Lara, Amadeus Regucera, Septian Dwi Cahyo, and inti figgis-vizueta. In partnership with the Americas Society, Talea is proud to celebrate the work of our vibrant community of composers and creators through this Encores program.
When searching for repertoire for harpsichord and percussion, one quickly comes across the works of Iannis Xenakis and Edison Denisov, two composers who had a decisive influence on contemporary music in Europe in the 20th century. Beyond that, however, one finds only a few compositions for this unusual instrumentation. Lizard Ensemble's programme Spiegelbilder expands this repertoire: composer Yulan Yu (China / Austria) dedicates a new composition to Denisov's 3 pieces, composer Septian Dwi Cahyo (Indonesia / Austria) refers in his work to Oophaa by Iannis Xenakis, creating musical reflections.